Daily Archives: 08.24.2011

{Photo Sesh, Take 2}

Yesterday was quite the productive day for me here in the shop.  While my printer was being silly (printing 2 copies of something and then going into “cool down mode” which lasts a full 3 minutes; printing 2 more and going BACK into cool down mode…repeat, repeat, repeat), I spent a little over an hour photographing ALL of my products in some natural light.

Going back through the photos I had taken the other day in my nifty light box, I just wasn’t satisfied.  The colors were all off, and everything looked COLD.  I flipped through photos on Etsy to really SEE how other products were photographed.  Natural light.  All of ’em.  Now, I shot everything in natural light when I was in Connecticut, but I got this fancy little light box back in my possession and really wanted to use it.  But you just can’t beat what God hath created, yeah?  Natural light is all I shot in yesterday and everything turned out SO much better.  I decided to just use simple “props” in the photos to bring out the color in the different goodies.  So I flipped between my robin’s egg blue vintage typewriter (found at a Thrift Store during college…for like $10), a vintage lace pillow and another vintage typewriter in it’s AWESOME mustard yellow box.  This one was a recent gift from my great Aunt.  I think it was her sister’s and it looks like it was never even used!  I’ll have to take a pic of that soon to show y’all.

Anyway, here are a few of my favorites from the day.  I still have a few more products to photograph that I just forgot (boo), but most everything is done and you can see the rest in the shop.

In other news, I’ve decided, in an effort to better separate my “work” and “home” lives, to get DRESSED every day before I start work.  I should dress for the job, yeah?  So I put on some cutesy stuff this morning, even a little makeup, and will ONLY WORK UNTIL 5.  That’s the goal.  At 5, pajama pants go on and work is finished.  We’ll see how it pans out, but I’m hoping the declaration made by actually getting dressed for work will provide some solid divisions and will help end the day when it should be ended.


Happy Wednesday.

