Daily Archives: 08.23.2011


I thought I’d share some photos I took yesterday of an order that I sent to Australia for a sweet bride whose wedding is in mid-September!


I love when I wake up early and actually feel rested -don’t you?!  I just feel like the entire day is ahead of me and that I have plenty of time to do all the things I need and want to do.  It’s a wonderful feeling.  I can’t wait to get started on more lovely orders today, but I know I need to take an hour or so this morning to just relax, sip some coffee from a mug that reads “Conne” with a tacky flower bouquet graphed onto its side, and watch the leaves on the trees outside become a brighter and brighter shade of green as the sunlight wakes them up. ::ahhhh….breathe::

This week has already been so productive, as I’m really beginning to settle into this whole “full time crafter” deal.  It really has been a dream for some time now and sometimes I still can’t believe it’s REAL!  I mean, I’m married to a fantastic man, we have a great little apartment on the edge of the woods, everything is so convenient to where we live, we have GREAT coffee-making-appliances from wedding gifts (THANK YOU!) and I get to be in it all the time, doing what I love most…..making paper goodies – ALL day, EVERY day (well…if I want…I’m still working on making myself STOP).  Holy cow.  AND, we’re not starving because of it!  That’s a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

I’m SUPER excited for the weekend to get here in hopes that I’ll be seeing some photos of a design I just did specifically for this styled photo shoot!  (WHAT?!  I know, right?)  Anyway, this girl emailed me a little over a week ago, asking if I might be interested in being a participating vendor for a styled wedding photo shoot that she’s doing for her photography company.  (Um…heck YES).  I also noticed that her name looked mighty familiar and discovered that she actually went to Belmont (which, for those of you who don’t know, is where I went to college).  She had found my {anna.michelle Cards} Facebook page and said she had bookmarked it to come back to for a shoot!  I felt SO humbled.  The shoot is going to be a sort of 1920s/1930s vibe, with accents of navy stripes and coral flashes.  My inspiration was to be pulled from vintage dress pattern books.  At first, I wasn’t quite sure how on earth I was going to combine all of that into a design that looked classy and vintage….but it just HIT me at one point and this is what I came up with!

I did menus as well, but didn’t have time to photos of those before I had to ship them yesterday afternoon.  The shoot is on Thursday, and Elizabeth Glessner said she could probably have a few shots to me this weekend so I could see what it all looked like!  I can’t wait!

I also send off another sample a while back to a photographer in New York who said that shoot would be in September…Can’t wait to get those pics as well!

This week (yesterday, actually) marked the end of the Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer Sale in the shop.  While it didn’t generate as much business as I had hoped…I definitely got a LOT more card orders than normal and that makes me happyyyyyyy.  🙂  I got to take a little break from wedding invites for a bit and get my creative juices flowing with some blank card sets, housewarming invitations and more.  It was a blast and I hope to do another sale in the fall….now I just need to think of a cute name for that one…..

Anywho, I’m off to get my coffee and start the work day!  Happy Tuesday, everyone!
