Daily Archives: 08.13.2011

{It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day…and I’m feelin’ good}

Good morning, friend!


Yes that’s right – GOOD morning.  It’s good because I actually SLEPT last night rather than waking  up every couple of hours because of a throbbing thumb.  Yesterday afternoon, after working on orders all morning (and sending out THREE – go me!), I decided to change the bandages on my finger and see how it was healing up.  And it certainly is healing, but it still looked pretty rough, so I decided that I needed to go on in to the doctor to see what I should do about this little digit.  After waiting for about an hour at the MedHelp down the road, I finally got in.  The doctor took a look at my finger and said “Yeah…you could’ve used a couple of stitches in that one…but I would’ve needed to do that on Wednesday when it happened.  It’s too late now.  But it’s healing up pretty well considering!” haha awesome.  I’ve never, ever had to have stitches before so I had no idea what constituted “needing stitches.”  Anyway, he prescribed an antibiotic, some ointment and some pain killer so I could sleep at night and then his nurse came in to “dress my finger.”  As you saw from my last post, I’ve just been putting a couple of band-aids on there and wrapping it up real tight with athletic tape.  But this nurse put a freakin’ sock on my thumb:

I mean…it’s a pretty bad cut but that’s just unnecessary.


After a visit to Target to get the meds, we met up with some friends for dinner.  One of my friend’s sons was fascinated by my giant socked thumb and kept wanting to touch it. HA!  I definitely count yesterday as a success – 3 orders completed, professional opinion sought, meds prescribed, flowers purchased for my kitchen table (blue hydrangea and baby’s breath…ahhhh), fun dinner with friends, and a GREAT night’s sleep!


And now…I shall watch an episode of Vicar of Dibley while sipping on some french press coffee out of my favorite mug 🙂  Oh…and then go to work…