Daily Archives: 08.7.2011

{Four Little Piggies and Good Fortune}

My parents recently moved from my sweet little hometown in Alabama to Duluth, GA.  My dad’s job is what prompted the move and while I’m sad to see them go (though not very far away), we did get some good stuff out of the deal!  One of those things is my grandparents’ kitchen table.  Stephen and I, for months, have been using a folding card table covered in a blue and white checked cloth as our dinner table.  Not ideal, to say the least.  But it worked for the time.  However, my mom had once offered to let us have her parents’ kitchen table once they sold their ‘Bama house.  Well, the time came and I brought up that little offer to my mom and she said that was still fine.  So last week, they hauled the table to our apartment and set it in place.  Stephen has always admired that table and it feels SO nice to have it in the apartment!  Since bringing it in, we’ve spruced it up, adding some placemats and a little centerpiece.  I found these place mats at Ross the other day on my lunch break.  All of the other place mats they had were fine, some really cool pieces that were very modern, but then I saw these….orangey-red placemats with a giant hog woven into the design in a contrasting white.  Um…yes, please.  I’ll take four.  ha.  So without further adieu, here are my four little piggies and our beautiful table:


The other night, Stephen and I went to grab some sushi at a restaurant called “Sumo” nearby.  With our check, we received two fortune cookies (of course!).  Both fortunes were totally legit….but mine was certainly picture-post-on-the-blog worthy.

I thought of the business.  And then of Charlie Sheen.  WIN.


Happy Sunday.