{In the Studio}

Let me begin by saying I am LOVING living in a two bedroom apartment!  Having a room that is NOT my kitchen to house all of my “stuff” is so fantastic!  (And we can even manage to fit Stephen’s desk and books in there, too!).  Anyway, it’s been amazing and feels so much better than the little studio apartment I had in Connecticut, where my kitchen WAS my studio.  My collections of paper, materials, and necessities was (and still is) quickly growing and there was no way I could’ve stayed contained in that kitchen!

I thought I’d share some photos of where I work now.  🙂  I love my little set up and it’s been working really well for me so far! (apologies for the poor quality – the lack of lighting in that room is one thing that I DO NOT love)


I’ve played around with some organizational DIYs and have ended up using some really great pieces:  the hardware piece holder (the gray box with little drawers) was perfect for all the teensy-weensy stuff I had (buttons – now organized by color; pushpins, paper clips, etc.), the framed push-pin board which has become my “inspiration board” (here I pin up photos that are inspiring, letters from Stephen (my husband), and other random fun things that I love; my kitchen cart from Ikea which has become my main paper-cutting surface as well as storage for the other things that are used on that table top when something else is occupying the counter space; and (the BEST) the closet that was already in the room!!!!  Built in shelving was PERFECT for all my paper and envelopes and I have loved and used every inch of room in there!  It’s fantastic (Note to self: when you move, look for a place that has a room with a closet where you can store crafting supplies).

I’m always on the lookout for more clever ways to store my materials, but what I’ve got going now is really working well!

2 thoughts on “{In the Studio}

  1. Liz says:

    I’m in love with your aesthetic. Craft on!

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