Daily Archives: 08.4.2011


On this stormy early morning in Alabama, I pause to think about Pinterest.

::Pause::   ::pinterest…ahhhhhh, pinterest::   ::End Pause::

Pinterest is a recent discovery of mine.  Do you know about Pinterest?  I mentioned it in a blog post a few days ago, but it has become my new favorite thing on the dub-dub-dub. (www – world wide web – obviously…psh).  Anyway, Pinterest has become a wonderful source of inspiration and I am loving every second of my “pinning.”  I have found everything from inspiring color palettes to new organizational ideas, and fantastic artists whose work is fresh and fun and it’s giving me a ton of new ideas and energy to use in some new designs.  Here are a few of my fave “pins” from my {inspire.me.please.yes} Pinterest board: