Daily Archives: 08.3.2011

{Village Press}

I don’t have much to post this morning except that I made an exciting and very promising visit to a local print shop yesterday, Village Press.  Now, it should be mentioned that I have always been a bit wary of passing my art onto someone else for their help in its completion.  I like to have my hands on every part of the process and it’s always a little nerve-wracking to let anyone help.  However, I had spoken with a lady there the other day who said that I should just bring some of my stuff in so they can take a look to see what they can do.


This is what I did yesterday afternoon.


I walked in with a sample wedding invite suite (the vintage-inspired suite that has ::thankfully:: gotten me so much business).  I explained to her that it was currently taking me HOURS just to print ONE piece of the suite and that it was getting to be way too time consuming to continue doing it all by myself.  I spoke with the same lady I had talked to on the phone the day before, and with a man who apparently runs their printer most of the time.  He was VERY sweet and VERY eager to help me out.  He said he was going to investigate a few things, check out paper options to see if it would still be possible to run the paper I use through the offset printer there, etc.  I should be hearing back from him within a week or so.  He seemed really excited to potentially work with me and also seemed to genuinely like my stuff.  One of the coolest parts of the visit was when he looked back-and-forth from me and my designs and said “So do you have a design background, then?”  “Um…no.  Definitely not,”  I replied.  “Really?!  Wow, well this stuff is great.”




Anyway, I’m excited about the possibility to redesigning and being able to send my stuff straight to them and not worry about the hassle of printing every little piece.  Particularly envelopes.  OY!  I’m currently working on printing a set of envelopes (as I type), only 65 – not a huge order – and it’s taken me an hour and a half just to print 50 envelopes.  HOLY COW…every few seconds there’s a jam or an error or SOMETHING and my poor little printer just can’t fathom printing the envelopes smoothly without crinkling them up in the rollers or overheating to the point that the flaps stick to the envelope and they can’t be opened.  Seriously…it’s a mess.  This is why I discontinued the design.  There’s no need to waste this much material just because I don’t have the means to print here at home anymore.  So, I’m ready for the next phase of business – having someone else do some of the work!  YES! haha  No more waking up a 5am to work on an order BEFORE going to my OTHER full time job, only to come home and go straight to work again, squeezing in dinner with the hubs somewhere in there, and doing it all again the next day.  It’s just too much!  Yay for Village Press!